Implementing Quantcast Q-Pixel In this article, we will have a look at how to implement Quantcast’s Q-pixel on your website for tracking activity on the website such as pageviews, click events, purchase events, lead submissions and more. You can also get access to insights about your site's audience and campaign analytics once you implement the Q pixel on the Quantcast DSP platform. A tag or a pixel is a piece of javascript code that loads along with the rest of the codes on the website. This javascript code is a source of connection between the website hosting server and the Quantcast server. It allows the platform to request specific information related to a website visit or an event and record it. Some of
Introduction to Quantcast DSP
Introduction to Quantcast DSP Quantcast is a digital advertising platform which uses machine learning and AI technology to buy ad inventory on the open internet in real-time bidding auctions. It is one of the leading Demand side platforms available for buying the right ad placements for campaigns based on real time behavioural and contextual signals. This allows advertisers to reach their target audience with the right message at the right time. One of the main advantages of Quantcast as a DSP is it does not completely rely on third party cookies and uses signals from 100+ million web and app properties where it is plugged into for audience modeling which was one of the earliest products Quantcast came to market called Quantcast